The Power of We:
Fast-Tracking Women’s Leadership and Organizational Inclusivity
Leveraging the Power of We
An Emerging Women White Paper
Are you a CEO, Senior Manager or Board Member frustrated with the slow pace of change in gender diversity at your organization and asking, “Where are the women?”
Or a dedicated HR, Diversity or Talent and Development Executive, passionate about creating lasting cultural change and jump-starting the numbers of women advancing and succeeding in leadership?
Then, Emerging Women’s, “The Power of We” White Paper offers the research and inspiration you need to invigorate your case and build a new leadership paradigm within your organization.
After running innovative programs for over 400 corporate professionals – both men and women – Emerging Women is ready to share its unique talent development approach.
Discover the model, methodology, and secret sauce.
Find out why:
- Research reveals some popular gender diversity practices aren’t working fast and smart enough - despite costing US organizations an estimated $8 billion a year
- It’s more vital today than ever to focus on approaches rated effective by women
- Simply slotting more women into leadership roles can be so risky and set women up for failure
- Models based on new forms of peer mentoring and sponsorship are changing the game
- Case Studies with Fortune 500s show Emerging Women solutions deliver beyond expectations for women and organizations
Enjoy the “Power of We” White Paper, share it with colleagues and help spread the news. The Power of We stretches beyond organizations and across borders – let’s work together to help women rise.
Contact us for a free consultation on how The Power of We from Emerging Women can transform your organization, and the world!
From the White Paper:
“The truth is, large numbers of women – and men and organizations too – are losing patience with the painfully slow pace of change.”
“Only 15% of companies have enough successors in the pipeline for key leadership positions” — Harvard Business Review
“By combining woman-centric and highly shareable forms of peer mentoring and sponsorship, an empowered spirit can rapidly cascade through organizations, boosting much larger numbers of women to the very top – and giving them the mindset to succeed when they get there.”