If you loved our Emerging Women Live 2015 keynote speakers, don’t miss the wisdom from our Emerging Short talks, too. These power talks let us hear from a diverse group of women who are positively using their feminine leadership to change the world. We’ve sifted through our notes and gathered our top nine favorite quotes.
- Vicki Saunders (Founder of SheEO)
“We (as women) have not been at the table for designing this world. We need to be there for VERSION 2.0. We all need to redesign this world desperately.”
- Wokie Nwabueze(Founder of Women Prepared to Lead)
“When you can become enchanted by who you are, when you can forgive the part of you that betrayed you, then you will be seen and heard and nothing less than captivating.”
- Promise Phelon (CEO of TapInfluence)
“Grit is the sand that is exfoliating the path of where you want to go.”
- Anese Cavanaugh (Creator of IEP Method)
“People often think it is the doing that is going to impact, what actually is more powerful is our presence.”
- Neha Sangwan, MD(Founder of Intuitive Intelligence and Author of TalkRx)
“It’s impossible to prove something to others that you don’t believe yourself.”
- Johanna Jackman (Senior Director at LinkedIn)
“Vulnerability plus tenacity – they are the platform for being truly authentic.”
- Natalia Oberti Noguera (Founder/CEO of Pipeline Angel Fellowship)
“Privilege is like oxygen, you don’t know it is there until it is gone.”
- Guru Jagat (founder of the RA MA Institute)
“It’s important for us to train our mind to consolidate our energy, so that we then can use that energy for a true revolution.”
- Sahar Paz (Author, Speaker and Life Coach)