Do you have a fire of truth burning so brightly in you that you cannot but follow its light?
Are you ready to let go, to burn what no longer serves so that a new you may rise from the ashes?
The Warrior Goddess Firewalk
One of the first things we are taught as children is that fire is dangerous – and it burns.
When you first see someone walk on fire, or you walk yourself, this fundamental law shatters. Suddenly the world is new and full of possibilities.
That’s why we’re thrilled to include The Warrior Goddess Workshop and Firewalk with HeatherAsh Amara at this year’s Emerging Women Live 2017 in Denver, CO.
Watch this beautiful video for a glimpse of a firewalk, EW-style:
What have you been telling yourself that might not be true? Firewalking challenges our limiting beliefs so we can lead from an expanded view of what is possible for our lives. This is true power – a power that translates into action and responsibility, for after walking on fire, we know that our lives are truly ours to create.
Remember when Oprah did a firewalk with Tony Robbins as a part of her Next Chapter series? It’s intense!
We can’t wait to participate in Emerging Women’s distinctly feminine version of this powerful ritual, led with heart and grace by our friend, wise teacher and beautiful soul, HeatherAsh Amara.
To emerge is to become manifest, to come into full view, to become known….to rise.
We women are not meant to walk this path alone. This path of fire walking is a collective path.
And it is through the heat of our shared stories that our hearts blaze with ancient memories of love and belonging, flickers of being that are buried so deep within us that only a fire of true purpose can spark its becoming.
Follow the flame. Walk your fire. Live the truth of who you are.